V Name List Tamil: Beautiful and Meaningful Names for Boys and Girls

V Name List Tamil​: Tamil names are rich in culture, tradition, and deep significance. The letter “V” offers a beautiful variety of names that reflect virtues, strength, and positivity.

In this article, we’ve curated a comprehensive list of Tamil boy, girl, and unisex names starting with “V,” each with its unique meaning and charm. Whether you’re seeking modern, traditional, short, or rare names, this list will inspire you to find the perfect name for your little one.

V Name List Tamil​

Read aslo : 1000+ Tamil Boy Name List A To Z​​

Tamil Boy Names Starting with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VaasuWealthy, ProsperousVaa-soo
2VarunGod of Rain, Lord of WatersVa-run
3VishalGreat, MagnificentVi-shaal
4VikramValor, CourageVik-ram
5VimalPure, Untouched by SinVi-mal
6VedanthUltimate KnowledgeVay-danth
8VenkatLord VishnuVen-kat
9VidyutElectric, BrilliantVid-yoot
10VivekWisdom, DiscernmentVi-vek
11VishnuProtector, PreserverVish-noo
12VirajShining Brightly, SplendorVi-raaj
13VigneshLord Ganesha, Remover of ObstaclesVig-nesh
15VarshithExcellence, Most ProsperousVar-shith
16VitheshLord of WealthVi-thesh
17VedanshPart of the Sacred KnowledgeVay-dansh
18VaradarajBestower of BoonsVa-ra-da-raj
19VidhurWise, SkillfulVid-hur
20VibhavSplendor, RichesVib-haav
21VikrantPowerful, HeroicVik-rant
22VamsiFlute of Lord KrishnaVam-si
23VaruneshLord of RainVa-run-esh
24VishvajitConqueror of the WorldVish-va-jit
25VishweshLord of the UniverseVish-wesh
26VaidyanathLord of HealingVaid-ya-nath
27ViyanFull of Life, EnergyVee-yan
28VirendraBrave LordVi-ren-dra
29VedhSacred KnowledgeVedh

Tamil Girl Names Starting with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VaishnaviGoddess Lakshmi, Devotee of VishnuVaish-na-vi
2VarshiniGoddess of RainVar-shi-ni
3VedaSacred KnowledgeVay-da
4VishakaA Star, Birth Star of Lord MuruganVish-aa-ka
5VidyaKnowledge, WisdomVid-ya
6VanajaDaughter of the ForestVa-na-ja
7VandanaWorship, SalutationVan-da-na
8VarunaGoddess of WaterVa-ru-na
9VaniGoddess Saraswati, SpeechVa-ni
11VedikaAltar, Full of KnowledgeVed-ika
12VaralakshmiGoddess LakshmiVara-lak-shmi
14VibhaRadiance, BrightnessVib-ha
15VinithaHumble, UnassumingVi-nee-tha
16VismayaWonder, AmazementVis-ma-ya
17VanitaGraceful LadyVa-ni-ta
18VilasiniPlayful, CharmingVi-la-si-ni
19VinodhiniHappy, DelightfulVi-no-dhi-ni
20VarunikaRain, Goddess DurgaVa-ru-ni-ka
21VaidehiGoddess Sita, Consort of Lord RamaVay-de-hi
22VasundharaEarth, WealthyVa-sun-dha-ra
23VarniDivine Color, BeautifulVar-nee
24VishaliniSacred, ProsperousVish-aa-li-ni
25VijetaVictorious, ConquerorVi-jay-ta
26VedanshiPure Knowledge, SacredVay-danshi
27VaigaSacred River, ProsperousVay-ga
28VallariCreeper, Goddess DurgaVal-la-ri
29VarshitaRainfall, BeautifulVar-shi-ta
30VenbaHoly Poem, PureVen-ba

Unisex Tamil Names Beginning with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VedhaSacred KnowledgeVay-dha
2VasanBlossoming, SpringVa-san
3VaigaSacred River, ProsperityVay-ga
6VinayaHumble, ModestyVi-na-ya
7VirajBrightness, SplendorVi-raj
8VallanStrong, AbleVal-lan
9VarnaColor, PureVar-na
10VibhaRadiance, LightVib-ha

Modern Tamil Baby Names Starting with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VianFull of LifeVee-an
2VaibhaviRich, ProsperousVai-bha-vi
3VedanshPart of the Sacred KnowledgeVay-dansh
4VivanFull of Life, Lord KrishnaVi-van
5VihanaNew Beginnings, DawnVee-ha-na
6VyomSky, EndlessVee-om
7VarnikaPurity, GoldVar-ni-ka
8ViranshHeroic Part, BraveryVi-ransh
9VedhikaAltar, Sacred KnowledgeVed-hi-ka
10VaigaSacred River, ProsperousVay-ga

Traditional Tamil Names Starting with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VallabhBeloved, DearVal-labh
2VasudevaFather of Lord KrishnaVa-su-dev
3VanajaBorn in the ForestVa-na-ja
4VaralakshmiGoddess LakshmiVara-lak-shmi
5VallariCreeper, Goddess DurgaVal-la-ri
6VetrivelLord MuruganVet-ri-vel
7VisalakshiWide-Eyed, Goddess LakshmiVi-sa-lak-shi
8VishwanathLord of the UniverseVish-wa-nath
9VijayendraVictorious KingVi-jay-end-ra
10VithobaLord VishnuVi-tho-ba

Short and Sweet Tamil Names with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VedaSacred KnowledgeVay-da
2VianFull of LifeVee-an
3VinuPrecious, BelovedVi-nu
5VaniGoddess SaraswatiVa-ni
6VaraBlessing, GiftVa-ra
7VasuWealth, ProsperityVa-su
8VishuLord VishnuVish-u
9VeerBrave, HeroicVeer
10VanaForest, BeautyVa-na

Rare Tamil Baby Names Starting with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VaishakaA Star, Birth Star of MuruganVaish-aa-ka
2VetrimaranSuccessful WarriorVet-ri-ma-ran
3VasundharaEarth, Mother of WealthVa-sun-dha-ra
4VibhutiSacred Ash, GreatnessVi-bhoo-ti
5ViruthanProtector, HeroVi-ru-than
6VarindraLord of OceansVa-rin-dra
7VenbaSacred Poem, PurityVen-ba
8ValluvanAncient Poet, Author of ThirukkuralVal-lu-van
9VarishkaGoddess Durga, RainVa-rish-ka
10VithuranWise, IntelligentVi-thu-ran

Mythological Tamil Names Starting with V

Serial No.NameMeaningPronunciation
1VarunGod of Rain, Lord of WatersVa-run
2VishnuProtector, PreserverVish-noo
3VetrivelVictorious Spear, Lord MuruganVet-ri-vel
4VasudevFather of Lord KrishnaVa-su-dev
5VallariCreeper, Goddess DurgaVal-la-ri
6VaruniGoddess of WaterVa-ru-ni
7VidhurWise, Skillful (from Mahabharata)Vid-hur
8VanadurgaForest GoddessVa-na-dur-ga
9VishalakshiWide-Eyed GoddessVish-a-lak-shi
10VamanaLord Vishnu’s AvatarVa-ma-na

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Tamil Name

  1. Easy to Say: Choose a name that is simple to pronounce and sounds pleasant.
  2. Good Meaning: Make sure the name has a positive and meaningful definition.
  3. Traditional Touch: Pick a name with strong Tamil roots or cultural significance.
  4. Matches Well: The name should match smoothly with the last name.
  5. Astrology Based: Many families select names based on the child’s birth star (Nakshatra).
  6. Short or Long: Decide if you want a short and sweet name or a longer, more traditional one.
  7. Unique Choice: Go for names that are rare but meaningful if you want something special.
  8. Family Values: Honor your heritage by including a name that reflects family traditions.
  9. Nicknames: Think about how the name can be shortened as a cute nickname.
  10. Avoid Initial Problems: Check that the initials don’t form something odd or unwanted.

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